Esperance Weeds Action Group (EWAG) is a unique community-based group formed in 1998 to raise public awareness of the impact of weeds in Esperance.
Objectives of the EWAG Group are:
To preserve roadside native flora and associated fauna
To gather information pertaining to weeds and to distribute the gathered information to the community
To organize and run trials on various weeds and the most economic way to eradicate them in terms of expenditure and labour
To prioritise weeds for control, and work out suitable control programmes in conjunction with stakeholders
To maximize cooperation between the community and larger stakeholders
To maintain partnerships between Esperance Weeds Action Group Inc and those groups and community members in general and to encourage them to keep on target to control their weeds
To encourage all stakeholders to take responsibility for weed control
EWAG has open community meetings every second month, at the Parks & Wildlife meeting room, 92 Dempster Street, Esperance.
Local Community
Key Stakeholders
School Groups
Members of the local Esperance community who volunteer are a key part of EWAG.
EWAG partners with several key stakeholders to make things happen including: South Coast Natural Resource Management (NRM), Department of Parks & Wildlife, Shire of Esperance, Esperance Regional Forum, Department of Agriculture & Food, and local weed contractors.
The Esperance Senior High School Bush Rangers, and Esperance Anglican Community School do a lot of awesome work with EWAG, including many impressive hours and hands helping with our Coastal reserve project.